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The scientific publications of the National Museum consist of two series—Proceedings and Bulletins.

The Proceedings, the first volume of which was issued in 1878, are intended primarily as a medium for the publication of original papers based on the collections of the National Museum, setting forth newly

acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology derived there-

from, or containing descriptions of new forms and revisions of limited groups. A volume is issued annually or oftener for distribution to libraries and scientific establishments, and, in view of the importance of the more prompt dissemination of new facts, a limited edition. of each paper is printed in pamphlet form in advance. The dates at which these separate papers are published are recorded in the table of contents of the volume.

The present volume is the thirty-fourth of this series.

The Bulletin, publication of which was begun in 1875, is a series of more elaborate papers, issued separately, and, like the Proceedings, based chiefly on the collections of the National Museum.

A quarto form of the Bulletin, known as the “‘Special Bulletin,” has been adopted in a few instances in which a larger page was deemed indispensable. :

Since 1902 the volumes of the series known as “‘Contributions from the National Herbarium,” and containing papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum, have been published as Bulletins.

RIcHARD RATHBUN, Assistant Secretary, Smaithsoman Institution, In charge of the United States National Museum.

OcToBER 1, 1908.


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Page. ADLER, Cyrus, and I. M. Casanowicz. The Collection of :

Jewish Ceremonial Objects in the United States National Museum.—No. 1630. September 28, 1908¢_..._.__-..... 701-746

ARNOLD, Raupu. Description of a New Brittle Star from the Upper Miocene of the Santa Cruz Mountains, Cali- formia.—_Nio: 1620. August 17, 1908 %.2s__-. 2 -2-2_. -. 403-406

New species: Amphwura sanctxcrucis.

———. Descriptions of New Cretaceous and Tertiary Fos- sils from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California.—No. 1617. PMMA Soho NOt se Henao arn se nena roe ES soe BAH 300

New species: Mactra stanton, Turritella pescaderoensis, Cidaris mer- riamr, Semele gayt, Tritonium newsomi, Hipponyx carpenteri, Patella mateoensis, Fissurella perrin, Cidaris brannert, Nucula (Acila) dal, Malletia chehalisensis, Tellina lorenzoensis, Pleurotoma newsomi, P. perissolaxoides, P. sanctxcrucis, Strepsidura californica, Fusus hecoxi, F. sanctecrucis, Lirofusus ashley, Turcicula santacruzana, Architectonica lorenzoensis, Leda cahillensis, Yoldia submonterey- ensis, Glycymeris brannert, Cardium (Trachycardiuwm) vaqueros- ensis, Agasoma santacruzana, WVenericardia montereyana, Mactra montereyana, Yoldia supramontereyensis, Periploma sanctxcrucis, Fusus (Priscofusus) stanfordensis, Agasoma stanfordensis, Fusus (Buccinofusus) portolaensis, Chrysodomus stantoni, Thais trancosana.

New varieties: Cardium coopert var. lorenzanwm, Chlorostoma stan- toni var. lahondaensis.

Baee, Rurus Marner, Jr. Foraminifera collected near the Hawauan Islands by the Steamer Albatross in 1902.—No. GOB; Avera OS, WOR a ee ae New species: Bigenerina arenacea, Gaudryina quadrangularis, Bolww- una sem-alata, Sagraina wrregularis, Puluinutina gilbertt.

New subspecies: Virgulina squamosa striata, Uvigerina canariensis var. striata.

BassuerR, Ray 5S. See under Pats, Wittiam F___________ 407-432

Boas, Franz. Decorative Designs of Alaskan Needlecases: A Study in the History of Conventional Designs, based on Materials in the U. S. National Museum.—No. 1616. sitll iva sleet (VStar Pe Gs ee es BOT AB Ad

Casanowiez, I. M. See under Apter, Cyrus......_._..... 701-746

@ Date of publication.


: ; : Page. Ciark, Austin Hoparr. Descriptions of New Species of

Crinoids, chiefly from the Collections made by the U. 5. Fisheries Steamer Albatross at the Hawaiian Islands in 1902; with Remarks on the Classification of wim Coma- tulida.—No. 1608. May 14, 1908 %. oe Se gs Ciaarie: Pee OYE) New. species: Atelecrinus conifer, Decametrocrinus rugosus, Tricho- metra vexator, Iridometra crispa, Zenometra triserialis, Psathyro- metra congesta, Thalassometra gigantea, T. fishert, T. crassicwra, T. delwcata, Charitometra lateralis, Trichometra aspera, Thaumato- metra parva, T. comaster, Bathymetra minutissima, B. brevicirra, B. carpentert, Adelometra tenuipes, Psathyrometra borealis, P. pro- fundorum, Zenometra pyramidalis, Himerometra subcarinata, Oligo- metra caribbea, Cyllometra albopurpurea.

New Stalked Crinoids from the Eastern Coast of North America.—No. 1607. May 4, 1908 27_.________-_.. 205-208

New species: Bathycrinus serratus, Rluzocrinus verrill.

On a Collection of Feather Stars, or Comatulids, i froma Japan. Now lO os euly; op OU Sis Bees eee eo alo

New species: Comaster imbricata, Thalassometra komacht.

—, SomeCases of Abnormal Arm Structure in Recent

Canoe —INo, WGI. dime 18, 10S 2. 2 2O5-27O ———. The Crinoid Genus EKudiocrinus, with Description of a New Species.—No. 1613. June 20,1908 %_-________ 271-279

New species: EHudiocrinus variegatus.

The Nomenclature of the Recent Gano. —No. O23. August 25.2 NOO Ss 2oodis Sea Lisyk Uae unto erg gepemere eae 435-542

CaupELL, ANDREW NeELson. Notes on some Western Orthoptera; with the Description of one New Species.— Noe 15995 April sly SOO See sre cece ces Seater aes ele see nae 71-81

New species: Marsa twbercilata.

Dati, Wrttiam Harry. Descriptions of New Species of Mollusks from the Pacific Coast of the United States, with Notes on other Mollusks from the same Region.— Noy OMCs ahha Wh NOS ee ee ee eo ea PAO 2OL

New species: Clistaxis? polystrigma, Turris (Antyplanes) diaulax, T. (Surcula) halcyonis, Tritonofusus (Plicifusus) kelseyr, Boreotro- phon bentleyi, Anachis petravis, Opalia (Dentiscala) mazatlanica,

. O. (D.) mexicana, Epitoniim (Crisposcala) acrostephanus, E. (C.) catalinx, Eulima lomana, Odostomia (Fvalea) atossa, Trichotroprs? kelsey.

New varieties: Acanthina lapilloides, var. awrantia, Phasianella ( Tri- colia) compta, var. producta, Fissurella volcano, var. cructfera, Yoldia ensifera, var. plena.

@ Date of publication.



Dickerson, Mary Cynrura.—See under Jorpan, Davip SDAURIR veneers Steere sateen is Geer CPS TT ORO Sead

See under JORDAN, DAvip STARR-____________-- see under JORDAN, DAVID SWARR =. 9--. 022-1 _-

GIDLEY, JAMES WiLLiaMs. Descriptions of. two New Species of Pleistocene Ruminants of the Genera Ovibos and Boétherium, with Notes on the latter Genus.—No. O20 SepueiMben ho, LOOS Choa nea, elses Nec

New species: Ovibos yukonensis, Boétherium sargentt. Grrty, GEorGE H. On some New and Old Species of Car- boniferous Fossils.—No. 1614. July 14, 1908 *_____.__- New genera: Heterocelia, Meandrostia, Colocladia, Heliospongia. New species: Heterocelia beedei, Meandrostia kansasensis, Stein- manma benjamin, Celocladia spinosa, Heliospongia ramosa, Harttina indianensis, Tegulifera armata, T. kansasensis, Pugnax weeksi, Omphalotrochus ferriert, O. conoideus. New variety: Heliospongia ramosa var. parallela.

Hatt, Mavurick C. A New Rabbit Cestode, Cittotzenia

mosaica.—No. 1629. Pepeemibe Dye SG ct oon 5s i a * New species: Cittotenia mosaica.

Hay, Oxrtver P. On three Existing Species of Sea-Turtles, one of them (Caretta remivaga) New.—No. 1605. May 4, IAS) (O) Seed sre keetneian te See ey ae ee eee

New species: Caretta remivaga.

HeENpERsOoN, JunrIuS. ‘New Species of Cretaceous Inver- tebrates from Northern Colorado.—No. 1611. June 16, HES) 0) Scanner ecyepe ene edi, ee Se Dye he Se i a

New species: Acanthoceras coloradoensis, Volutoderma clatworthyi, Capulus spanglerit, Anatina doddsi, Serpula markmani.

JORDAN, Davip Starr, and Mary C. Dickerson. Descrip- tion of a New Species of Half-beak (Hemiramphus mioprorus) from Nagasaki, Japan.—No. 1602. April 25, MS) OS epee perc seria sey ne eet Ud ia WSs Srey oa yet

New species: Hemiramphus mioprorus.

—— Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Gulf of Mexico at Vera Cruz and Tampico. —No. 1592. ANTONE Gh TUCO Se AR I A ioe en ee

New species: Bairdiella verex-crucis. On a Collection of Fishes from Vili with Notes on certain Hawauan Fishes.—No. 1625. Septem- [bate Tid, OS Ce ee eae

New genus: Kastrelliger. New species: Cypsilurus ogilbyi, Abudefduf corneyt.



22 605-617 OIG laleZy






teh oe


@ Date of publication.


Lyon, Marcus Warp. Mammals collected in Eastern Sumatra by Dr. W. L. Abbott during 1903, 1906, and 1907, with Descriptions of New Species and Subspecies.— No: 11626." ‘September 1471008 ¢)7 te

New species: Tragulus fulvicollis, Sciurus nyx, Mus mandus, M. bullatus, Arctogalidia tingia, A. sumatrana, Paradoxurus padangus, Felis tingia, Tupaia siaca, Crocidura lepidura, Niadias minor, ~ Presbytis percura, P. catemana. New subspecies: ‘Tragulus kanchil longivpes, Scvwrus melanops peni- alius, S. vittatus rwpatius. .

Remarks on the Horns and on the Systematic Position of the American Antelope.—No. 1619. August TY TOOS ei ee ea eae

Nurtine, CHartes C. Descriptions of the Alcyonaria col- lected by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in the Vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands in 1902.—No. 1624.— September lt 90S te a tes Se eee

New genera: Calibelemnon, Cyclomuricea.

New species: Clavularia spiculicola, C. corrugata, Spongodes alex- ander, Siphonogorgia collaris, Pennatula sanguinea, P. flava, P. pallida, Calibelemnon symmetricum, Umbellula jordam, U. gilberti, Protoptilum wrighti, Trichoptilum attenuatum, Cladiscus studeri, Ceratoisis flabellum, C. grandis, Amphilaphis biserialis, Cali- gorgia gilbertt, Stenella helminthophora, Stachyodes angularis, S. bowerst, Calyptrophora versluysi, Paramuricea hawaviensis, Antho- muricea tenuispina, Clematissa alba, C. tenue, Menella grandiflora, Echinomuricea brunnea, Cyclomuricea flabellata, Lepidogorgia gibbosa, L. spiralis, Chrysogorgia arborescens, C. delicata, C. jfla- vescens, C. stellata, Iridogorgia bella, I. superba, Pleurogorgia militaris, Verrucella bicolor.

OrTMANN, ARNOLD E. Schizopod Crustaceans in the U. S. National Museum: Schizopods from Alaska.—No. 1591. A DriliOs VOO8 tes eas eI ce Cen oS es ee

New genus: Holmesiella. New species: Holmesiella anomala, Neomysis kadiakensis.

Path, WiiuiaAM F., and Ray S. Basster. The Late Niagaran Strata of West Tennessee.—No. 1621. August 18,1908 @ oe ee Ba ee cree

Puarse, Arruur S. Descriptions of four New Species of Amphipodous Crustacea from the Gulf of Mexico.—No. 1594. April 6 1908 4858 ee

New species: Ampelisca holmesii, Haustorius americanus, Mera rathbunx, Protellopsis stebbingi.






21 a2

@ Date of publication.


Page. Piprce, W. Dwient. Descriptions of New Curculionid Beetles of the Tribe Anthonomini.—No. 1604. April 28, OOS oe ee i eee 73181

New genera: Smicraulav, Mecynopyga.

New species: Macrorhoptus sphaeralciae, Smicraulax tuberculatus, Anthonomus hicoriae, A. callirrhoae, A. heterothecae, A. (Cnemo- cyllus) aphanostephi, A. (C.) baccharidis, Mecynopyga texana, Pseudanthonomus hamamelidis, P. kramervae.

RicHarpson, Harrier. Description of a New Isopod Genus of the Family Dajide.—No. 1618. August 10, Oe ee ee 301-892 New genus: Colophryzus.

New species: Colophryxus novangliz.

———. Description of a New Isopod of the Genus Eury- cope from Marthas Vineyard.—No. 1598. April 17, ROS eee pee ras ay ene ee ees os a e769

New species: Hurycope truncata.

———. The Parasitic Isopod Leidya distorta (Leidy) found on a New Host.—No. 1593. April 6, 1908 %____.. 23-26

Scuaus, Witiiam. Descriptions of three New Species of Saturnian Moths.—No. 1597. April 17, 1908%._._._.___. 65-66 New species: Ormuscodes albilinea, O. amarilla, Heliconisa arpi. SNYDER, JOHN OTTERBEIN. Description of Pantosteus

santa-ane, a New Species of Fish from the Santa Ana River, California.—No. 1595. April 6,1908¢..___._.__.__ 33-34

New species: Pantosteus santa-anx. STEBBING, THomas R. R. A New Amphipod Crustacean,

Orchestoidea biolleyi, from Costa Rica.—No. 1609. May el Sadack es Swern ee Coch er 24 O44

New species: Orchestoidea biolleyi.

STEJENGER, LEONHARD. ‘Three New Species of Lizards from the Philippine Islands.—No. 1606. May 4, 1908 7__.. 199-204

New species: Sphenomorphus atrigularis, S. steerer, Tropidophorus misaminius.

Tassin, Wirt. On Meteoric Chromites.—No. 1628. Sep-

Sevemnneieloy a QOS Come ies os ee ee 685-690 On the Occurrence of Calctum Sulphide (Old- hamite) in the Allegan Meteorite.—No. 1622. August 19, tO Saco ee ee eee ee ee ee ARB RA RA

@ Date of publication.


WarrEN, WititiAM. Descriptions of New Species of South American Geometrid Moths.—No. 1601. April 25, 19087-

New genera: Strepsizuga, Nothloba, Physoloba, Calvertia, Nereis.

New species: Polysemia divecta, P. illineata, Zanclopteryx conspersa, Anapalta incisa, Orthonama albescens, Graphidipus fumilinea, (Enothalia rufaria, Phellinodes megalophysa, Hammaptera ornu- bilata, H. vilaria, H. spatiosata, H. subnotata, H. thetydaria, Cenocalpe albipuncta, Hydriomena lineata, Perizoma ceruleopicta, Psaliodes olivaria, Pterocypha paularia, Strepsizuga aberrans, ‘Xanthorhoé veraria, Notholoba schausi, Physoloba griseofasciata, Cambogia roseocincta, Callipia costinotata, Marmopteryx eludens, Nephodia marcada, Calvertia fumipennis, Cnoptila separata,

(Enothalia inornata, Thysanopyga fractimacula, T. palliata, T.-

prumcolor, Nereis opalina.

Witurams, Henry S. The Dalmanellas of the Chemung Formation, and a closely related New Brachiopod Genus MThiemella—=No: 1596.) Aprili6s 1908) 242 aes aes

New genus: Thiemella.

New species: Dalmanella danbyi, D. allegania, D. elmira, D. wir-

ginia, Thiemella villenovia. New varieties: Dalmanella carinata var. epsilon, D. virginia var. beta.

—. On the Revision of the Mollusk Genus Pterinea, Goldfuss.—No. 16007 > April, W908 08s os a

New genera: Tolmaia, Follmannella, Actinopterella, Cornellites.





@ Date of publication.



/ROMRONANG WGE2EATWOSs oocckooucspons ape SEER HS Gane Bs eRNRe RET ne ok SES ne TROCRUNOGUIS RADU CH Iss Som ee 5 ees Ae ee Seer a ae ea ee sem Lona chsioria, ANclulks tema (CE WIG) -danacaassGa5oe cesses see snes sore Leidya distorta. Adult female (ventral view)....--...-.-- ba eee a Ae etd ORGAStontimmaleceotradult=atemial Che ea se re Ses ere eins oie se nhs ine ee Leidya distorta. Young female; dorsal view and ventral view.......---..---- ECVON CRO USLOTUO mies Ma Orga sen peur re ta aan anes CMe nlen Ua ares ee Sc) ease eho 22 - Ampelisca holmes. Last epimeral plate of metasome; first gnathopod of fe-

male; first pereeopod; fifth pereeopod; telson..........--... A rn Nit ae Haustorws americanus. First antenna; second antenna; first gnathopod; sec-

ond gnathopod; mandible; first perseopod; second perseopod; third perzeo- > pod; fourth perszeopod; telson; first uropod; third uropod.-.........-.-.--..- Mera rathbunx. First antenna; second antenna; first gnathopod of male;

second gnathopod of male; maxiliped; maxilla; first peraeopod of male;

HD PerCOPOUEatelsommrmb aids ULOPOMs-— hese Oey. Se scion Saas ele Protellopsis stebbingu. Abdomen; gill; first gnathopod of male; second gnath-

opod of male; second gnathopod of female; mandible; maxilliped; first

Detcopod muMITdEMereco pOdmstiit hap ereOpOd ass. s a. asses aes aos: Hurycope truncata....... DiS GS SOD GS SO ES See Cae ee te aaa rene SEO uayeope trumeda, “lRiginy mein c.obonccsnce oss oacdeucssessu sees snaonue MEU COMCRURULICCUO manne CAO Letty TO Ae terre ee eevee yee et re OL tes ve ot AMAT CMYGN US TOOMROPUS sc ooccbas5ocdbouseasaosbadcssbecesber Bereta ae eh Ae ae h Sphenomorphus atrigularis. Top of head; side of head........-.-...----.---- Sphenomorphus steerer, Top of head; side of head........-.....-------------

Bathycrinus caribbeus. Basal ring and upper stem joints.............-.-------- Bathycrinus equatoriahs. Basal ring and upper stem joints...............-..-- Orchestoidea biolleyi. Male...-. SSG SEIS Hs Seo ae eS IS ee Sa ar oa OicrcslovdedaurOuler imma Hiei al Omest ne eesti ce arin. Sars cele eshte es Pecilometra acelia; Costal series with intercalated joint........-.-.--.-.------ Himerometra stylifer. Distal arm division.....-....-.-.-- prosaan sre RR erat ania Seg Charitometra imbricata; showing three succeeding pinnules on the same side of

(ANE BETES 5 csc less Ce Becca tS eee SSP a ae Heliometra tanneri; showing an arm with the first two brachials repeated. ....- Heliometra maxima; with two costal series in one interbasal area...........-.-- : Centro-dorsal and radial faces of Pentametrocrinus japonicus.....-------------- Ventral view of radial faces of Pentametrocrinus japomcus.....------------+----






68 alate 200 201 203 206 207 207 243 244 265 266

266 267 268 274 274


Centro-dorsal and radial faces of Psathyrometra fragilis.....-........-...-.----- Dorsal view of the radials, costals, and lower brachials of Thawmatometra tenuis,

torshowastruchuire ofan ordimatys commit lidiarenie een eee eee Dorsal view of radials and lower brachials of Pentametrocrinus tuberculatus..... Centro-dorsal and radial faces of Zygometra hartlaubt.......-.--.------------- Ventral view of radial taces\ of Zygometra hartlauby- 2.22 2 3 ee Dorsal view of the proximal arm joints (costals and lower brachials) of Hudio-

CEUIUUSUOTVEGOLUS, WOWaS PC CLES ae oe ae eee eee aaa eee eee @irrus:Of Hudsons UOTICG OUUS eee meee ee ee see ee eee ee Lower pinnules of Hudiocrinus variegatus on the inner side of the arm........- Lower pinnules of Hudiocrinus variegatus on the outer side of the arm......-.. Needlecase sc SORE Geese ee Sere res Oi cae ce (ter cre er go ee on Ivory attachment to line. West coast of Hudson Bay; Creaser, Iglulik, from

Boas, Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson Bay; design of needlecase, King

Willhiamis iam dso. es ee eas ee aS CU ie eeeege fate fecrc OU Mlcee) Uy Eee pe Tattooings from the west coast of Hudson Bay and from Hudson Strait, from

Boas; Wskimo) oi Bath wand and biudsony Boy, =e ee ee Har-spoon. norbmern-s ami chat kelsey oa = crear eee ee are ee Needlecases. Frozen Strait. From Boas, Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson

INGe@dLe Cases eso rise tee es NAAR EA Soe Rs eer ceo a ee nN a Needlecase. Smith Sound. From Kroeber, the Eskimo of Smith Sound...-. WN COGIC CAS Ce iis Wetec eat ape ene ene ere rage eee) cies ees reer eRR on g Needlécase fre noe nes ra Ue Mca, eaten Sue celal ca ae eal Aaa Aa ee Cee Needle Cases.) 25 He a /s5e SSP ee ESOS CRUSE Se pa Et Ore ace or Nap eae en ee Needlecases 2s) S508. Sas aoe ene cya eee eee Oates Needle case so iue 525 nce is ee eRe Ue ae Nd teste cae alee cee he Need lecases ii: 15 alte ci a ert ce Pa parte Tyo eyepiece eerereer Awili Unalakleet* Norton Island 2:25.02 22 a oe ne Colophryxus novangie. Adult female, dorsal view...-.../-..-:-.3...------- Colophryxus novanglic. Adult female, ventral view..........-.....--.------- Colophrycus:novang lic ss Neal ee or ear eeeeeee CU DSULUTUS HOG UD YU a STS OE BOR Aes a ah feast cue ia apace ease en Cu psilurusssprvlOnOobo Peers Ree is eet letersi ee og Oe eee RastrelligerDrachiy sons : Dis 2 Soe as eae be Sage es ee ree eee cAI PINUDTUOM CLP SO DLCT US eer ea etcetera eee ea een ae eee ene INDUCED COMMA ss acosacsesgoa5ossoccoseoe5 Big © Cys gs Pe Mh cee aang Sonat es TOU CONUS GT UGTAS NS BEEN a EG ST Uae nae ie een geting pe ee Map ofVAruam Gi aye tty ayer pe ohot ay een pane ene ey er yee eee ean Mapxoinportion Of eastscoast Ol Sumatra = yar ayaa ore eee ence Diagrammatic view of the lengths of hind foot, basal lengths of skull, and of

the weights) of Mragulusstromzeastermy Suma trays eran eae Upper toothrows of Raradorurus hermaphnoditus =a: = 6 ee See eee Posterior wiew olicranium: ob Ovibos yukOnensisis: see) ea ee View of entire animal, showing mosaic marking.......-....-----.-.--------- View. ofshead a Siackere ssc 2 55 a a Se aoe ee i Frontal section near margin Ol SCOMIOTG Fe ees ey eS ON ates: A aba at ane e i as cpap Crossisection near maroim: Olasee mie iit tem a seep eee ee eee eee Diagrammatic view, showing relation of female glands and ducts in cross sec-

PLATES. Facing page. Ieleanishonmdolmesrellaranomal anno mmeN las ae assets site se eee eles 10: yaeWalmanellasiotarne: ChemmmmantornaratlOmssa oe se mae eas ak yee cee eee 64. pee Dalmanellasiom~nes@henmumosformiatlomee yeaa eyes ee ee et 64. Ae) Nimanellasrontne. Ohemungeormlatlomera yes se no se Sees ee 64. be Some; mewrspecies of Hawalan Moranmimnifera....2-22.25..-5.4..3-.-2..22-- 168 GRE GOL DOGHELYSHRGUL Diner erase = hehe 25 fie otis Seen ae este ai ohn inint 198 7, ie, I, Comanien Comanis WSs OA (OU NOR NADS WANDS oa so ancoueoe sepa seense 198 Celestron Caretta caretta.s 1,2, Colpochelys: KENUpU nse = e458 =e ee 198 OReti onsen Colpochelysicen puss tO 26. OOnCtiCCOnClUGa n= eee ee 198 NOM CORCELOM CIN UUCG Oia nec ec erciscle ates iaiais Bioneers ee Tea ors 198 11. Figs. 1, 3, Caretta caretta; figs. 2, 4, Colpochelys kempi; fig. 5, Caretia remi- WU he 2 ASI ny TE Se Wee EN CL RT Rat TT SAC en ge ener A ar Le 198 ree Aware wee Ain p MnpOds CHUSLACCAIN is sence acer eke Se eta papa oye 244 13. New cretaceous invertebrate fossils from Colorado........-.--..---.------- 264 14. The carboniferous sponge, Heterocelia beedei...............-------------- 304 15. The carboniferous sponges, Mxandrostia and Steimmannia..-..-.--.-------- 304. 16. The carboniferous sponges, Celocladia and Heliospongia.......--..------- 304 Wieeihercarboniterous sponge, Helospongia Tamosd=— =. - 25225 -1-- 322-222. - 2s 304 18. The carboniferous sponge, Heliospongia ramosa, var. parallela........-.--- 304 19. Carboniferous fossils from Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, and the brachiopod, ELLEN IVC UTLAUONCTUSU Gis eatte tye eee tera pete Oo Mees age alc cues as gt tute t Met sity at 304. Z)rerthercarbomiterous) brachiopod, Tiequiijena armata. =.=... 2222.25.22 -2 2-22 -2 304 21. The carboniferous brachiopod, Tegulifera kansasensis........-.-...------- 304. Zoe wecorated Alaskan meedlecasesim: sours oo ee ei ie enc ee ie ae 344. Zor Decorated. alaskam meedlecasessaias ao: teas eect ee A Rene ee 344. Ame Ocoraved walaskam needlecasesenr ths sce eee ae ees ye See ae 344 Ome ecoraceds Alaskan Needlecasean niece... eee pow ge ane ak 344 2 Oum DecoratedeAlaskan=needlecases sae 2h hae SEE Re em Oe a the Sos mee 344. Hien ecorated -Alaskanimeedlecases: os 26a ee See See es Neo sees 344 See Wecorated Alaskan meeddecases- sce 5-5) jae = Ses Seer crs ce hates et AA: Zee Decorated Alaskansneedlecases sta ok yess = oe ee eine 344. pew ccoravedwAlaskaneneedlecasese rene Sanches hen se en eens ul i 344° pilkonoxevalle andsi@hion(Cretaceous) fossilsts 925) 226.0 924 ye ee 390: OME OCOMe MO ssl Sacer iee emey en ethene Cee ges eo NOG cea eee at uke 390: Bommoay Lorenz0.(@Olieocene) tossilses ssn sess eee oe se ee 390: 34. Vaqueros (Lower Miocene) fossils.............--..---.--:- SS Dae eee rene a 390: 30. Monterey (Middle Miocene) and Upper Miocene fossils...............-...- 5257390) 36. Purisima and merced (Upper Miocene and Pliocene) fossils................ 390. 37. Purisima and merced (Upper Miocene and Pliocene) fossils................ 390: SOM OENs Ole Men CangnbelOpersa ume sos tee el te et ve ts he AOD: DOM AMO als nOnns Ol AMmenicanvanvelopeus st - 68 ee oe ee 402 Ame new Caliormuian Miocene brittle star: 5.24686 fee 406 MieowcGyonanairom tvesbawallan island se. tsar as se a ee 602, Ae Cy On ata. roma Wepblayweliai sland) see nee sete ee a 602: 43. Alcyonaria from the Hawaiian Islands-..... Na es er Ce Stee eee tuoi aL 602, Ze CV ONArIOromltne Mawallanelslamds <9: 2 scsi 00 5... es ee eee 602, TOMeN GYOnaciaprOmetnerhaywallamelslamd serpy s5 9-992) br ye ee eee 602 46, Alevoneyae, iron ine Isleyemiein Iisleingli Sgobe2ses oe 2b sess eee c ake an a saene 602. ipee Gy Onamlapiromabhne vr awatlan tslandseis street ae a 602, ioe Wevonatiagimom tie: tlawarlane islands 25S ya gee kee ae 602. DOPE ey Onakiagrondsih eek awalamel slam sieeset tn hte poe ce tee 602 HOME cy Onanianitomernesdawatiank Islands + 9ss5 005 sh soe cea 602. dil, aNlkeyomeria, fire (ne Iseyyyerienn Iiibinels\ 436 ofacscoadecuus lose genanosgade 602



100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105.


Facing page.

. Skulls of Arctictis binturong Ine IRN os ae Ut eh ie ie pean EN ES . Skull of type-specimen of Par adoxurus DACONGUS-2 a0 5. Sere eee Be 5 SUIS Gi JehoOUGHAS CNCMTNOMNS GING! IOP Sonscsascs os boocse docceedoscseoess 5 engage) ive Oemarer, Jeu) BR, UBT Gasca cocoa coos scodosscenousece 5 WANs Cy Le ngexe) sankey KS) Orearaver TbNONTAY AWE IBEN/Gooccces soca oo coo So Ssocooencasne . Superior view of the cranium of Ovibos yukonensis.................-..--- . Palatal view of the cranium of Ovibos yukonensis.................-..---- DHL OLM: COLESOl BOGLILCRUUTUNS CG CIUG) pane ree ne a ene Lopspiece omthe TEolys Ankenes tres siya e Oo esi pei eee a ee mV elleot the lols Auke @Raroclye Clay) ace ya aee eisai eee eee eer soviet ofthe sHolyeArke (Baroclve tli) mercer sie rp ts ye ee ee » VeitliottithesHolysArk=@Parocheth) ee eee ase eee Sr ea eae ee cilkotttihtestloly Ake (Baroch eth) ees Sar pa en Seng eee .oLoral: scroll wat hip ornters 33am 5 aces eee oo ears een eee eee re ee Wrappersidorthe: Rorabiscrollis ste: Mer ere eee ae ae ~ Mantle of:theoraht scrolls a2 es sere is ee eee Bete uBreast plate: ofthe sora bite ges oS alee A etna Cis ohpnend tne ead tot a pm igre em eve Breast platevwot the Moraes be stm eee acters ct ees earn a ngey eet te opera ee “Breastplate xotsthe orale: ie cet pe germ au yi nen ee > Cover for the reading desk wea) aa etc Penn Stee eee mre = > lorahyscrollsunrolledronmthereadinexdeskss sees Geen eee Cre saa » dalenavenbayes Iewaay ey Buavel CaniclWelNOle 6 oo Sa ccc ak cosawoodeenoqcconsoobee es JJbulver amon slam pss 2 ec eae yes oo oe eee ore ee, Stage aes oe eee + Phylacteries:and prayer DOO ks ee 25s sak eee 8 ore eye pees Pace ere Ot ear seh yJaCtveries and: aes Sane oie stats estes ees Sli ape Oey Shade ea ge A.Prayier shawl: (abit) ses Sessa net ene eies te Sanaa a cree eee i Serge ae ee ee lampstandsslaughtermeskante sm G erm ani\y as seer eet nn eee 5 Wiermslssivorr Naieleliisla eval loeb bn =. osecsaccduccoosodeoduSboccuocsoses BMS) ONLEKe Is OLD Shoes Hasenstein ey eee sen ey ee NSO Sie ES AS ae 5 Jak RMUOAVETAES Ole GUREMUTOCIENO IA, BVIEl GPOICO [OOD ccoscsasacceasosccesoousseoce .- Two embroidered cushions, used at the Passover meal................-..- 5 IByyeie Bal lovysntinl. wistexcl up idovs) Jehysstonvere mT |, = oe soa sk ob dasscuusscesocoe . SDish: usedsat: the: Passovermeal sier 5 Wie. tis priest oto eee ee ers ae pa TAR aSSOVeR Plates. ese se Senter Paks iar cece ce tes Matra ed AT ar ee aaY a iP ASSOVED DIA tO sess see ae eee Aira iats (aie g NO, Ve a Peapatlg hyd nag pase epee Rea . Cover for the unleavened rend hh 1HldKe): lemYsisOnieie TMH oes CSek cee conaddases . Coyer for green herbs atitivesBassoyen mee less =s= sass nese aes eens soVesselstusedsatstive Passov rime all se ay ee es gre eecer tg ee mee - Glass‘and plate, used at the Passover meali:-20 22. 52-222 seeses nee se eee . Linen table center, used at the Passover meal............--../---+----- = Omer tablet cs ee ee Boe ol pes aoe de a cog ee a a 5 NAVAS IaKoanl PHOVOl Jolene clan IBN). So Goad o sooo esau ge eeadsaccdusceasouse 5 Ibuileyoy eharcl erilanxoyes, siyatitlay eh, SUR ReIP KO uo co bao ocescoococe ous eoscoocdpo seuss SY Hanukalbs lamps 5: 6s seas ih aarp ets oop re eeu NE a ON eS ee « Rollsiof the-Book:of Msthers23 a5 os es eee a seer ee eke eee 5 WWienjopnese tore Cararyanavee Clanllkel WO \MeOLUO.. 0565 occeccacsdoocscccusccussss OMS Of oF Si yal es coe Eee rete ce Bitrate page eae Ge 5 Wiknaaerexe Cormmnyen (IRON) scnoc cog sec bb boob onc o oa scoonosscosasesass

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By Arnovp E. Ortmann,

Of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,

The present paper treats of a collection of Schizopods made dur- ing the investigations by the Alaska Salmon Commission in 1903. The collection, although small, contains a number of interesting forms. One of them represents a new genus the systematic position of which was ascertained with difficulty, and to which finally a posi- tion could be assigned only by altering the definition of one of the established subfamilies of the family Myside.

The paper was originally to be published by the Bureau of Fish- erles, but was turned over to the U. S. National Museum, and it forms here the second instalment of a series of publications intended to describe the Schizopods of the national collections.

Order MYSIDACEA Boas. Family LOPHOGASTRID 4 G. O. Sars.

Genus GNATHOPHAUSIA Willemoes-Suhm. : GNATHOPHAUSIA GIGAS Willemoes-Suhm.

G. O. Sars, Rep. Voy. Challenger, XIII, 1885, p. 33, pl. 111.—ORTMANN, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, 1905, p. 968; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXI, 1906, p. 36, pl. 11, figs. 1a, 10.

Station No. 4267.1 male (?), jun.—Off Sitka Sound, 922 fathoms. (Color, dark crimson).

Previous records.—Atlantic: West of Azores, 2,200 fathoms (Chal- lenger); between Cape Charles and Long Island, 852 fathoms (Albatross) ; Pacific: Hawaiian Islands, 856-767 fathoms; Bering Sea, 399 fathoms; between Unalaska and Kadiak, 695 fathoms; be- _ tween Sitka and Columbia River, 876 fathoms (Albatross).

“Wor first paper see Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXI, 1906, pp. 23-54.

PROCEEDINGS U. S. NATIONAL Museum, VOL. XXXIV—No. 1591. Proc. N. M. vol. xxxiv—08——1 i


The present specimen agrees well with the one mentioned by the writer among the Hawaiian Schizopods. Its length (difficult to measure, since the specimen is. doubled up) is about 55 mm. It differs from the typical (adult) Gnathophausia gigas in the stronger development of the branchiostegal, infero-lateral, and postero-dorsal spines; the branchiostegal spines are even stronger than in the Ha- wallan specimen. Besides, the supraocular is distinctly larger than the antennal. The outer margin of the antennal scale has five distinct teeth, while the type has only four, and the Hawaiian specimen has also four, of which the last one is very small. The rostrum is longer than in the Hawaiian individual; in the present specimen the part in front of the ocular spines is distinctly longer than the rest of the -arapace, including the posterior spine, while in the one from Hawan it is about as long as the rest of the carapace without the posterior spine. All these minor differences apparently are due to age.

Family MYSID Dana. Subfamily LHPTOMYSIN 4: Norman, 1892.

The division of the family Myside into subfamilies seems quite necessary on account of the large number of genera of very various type contained in it. The subfamilies created by Norman are chiefly framed with reference to the British forms, and thus it is some- times hard to assign foreign genera and species to their proper place.

According to Norman,® the following features are characteristic for this subfamily:

Outer uropods one-jointed, thew outer margin setose. Gnathopods (= second maxillipeds or second cermopods) conforming in general character of the endopodite to the maxillipeds (= first maxillipeds or first cormopods). First true legs (= third cormopods) similar to the following in general character, and not very greatly developed and larger than the latter. Male with all pleopods greatly developed and adapted for swimming, second to fifth pair biramose, all branches multiarticulate and setose, the outer branch of fourth, and sometimes also of third modified for sexual purposes, but the modification only extending to a slight lengthening of the limb and a change in the character of the setw of the terminal joints.

This diagnosis does not exactly apply to some forms, not treated by Norman, which'clearly ought to be placed here, while it apparently fits others, which are more widely different in other characters.

Boreomysis G. O. Sars,’ for instance, although answering fairly well to the above diagnosis, differs at once in the presence of seven

WINN, INGUts ISHS (Bo OS; I> yo, Ye >’ Monogr. Mysid., III, 1879, p. 8,


pairs of marsupial lamelle, and should be placed in a distinct subfamily.

The genera Amblyops G. O. Sars* and Pseudomma G. O. Sars? probably belong in this subfamily, but differ from all other genera in the rudimentary condition of the eyes, which are lamelliform. _'The male pleopods are here very uniform in shape, the first with the inner branch rudimentary, the four others with subequal branches. The telson resembles rather that of the typical Leptomysine, being not cleft.

The genera Lrythrops, Parerythrops, and Huchetomera seem to form a natural group, differing from the typical Leptomysine in the shape of the telson, which always is remarkably short, and mostly has no lateral spines. In this group the male pleopods, as in the Amblyops group, are also very uniform, the second to fifth having subequal branches. | 7

Of the other genera, Leptomysis, Mysidopsis, Mysideis, and the new genus Holmesiella described herein, again form a natural group, characterized by a peculiar development of the male pleopods, which are not so uniform as in the genera mentioned above; in the fourth pair one of the branches develops the tendency to become longer than the other, bearing at the same time a peculiar armature at the apex. The telson in all these forms is distinctly longer than in the Lrythrops group, and invariably possesses marginal spines. This group, which may be called the typical one of the Leptomysinae, since it conforms best to the original diagnosis of the subfamily, forms a transition to the subfamily J/ystnae; in fact, the latter differs only in a greater accentuation of the differentiation of the male pleopods, not only the first pair, but also the second, and generally also the fifth showing distinct reductions, bearing only one ramus as in the female. Some- times this reduction even affects the third pair. The difference of the two branches of the fourth pair has become very strongly pro- nounced in the J/ysinw, one branch being rudimentary, the other greatly developed. 3

The genus Callomysis Holmes®¢ differs from all other genera in the subfamily Leptomysinae in the shape of the pleopods of both, male and female. Here, according to Holmes’ account, the pleopods of the female are rudimentary, but biramous, while they are uniramous in all other genera; and also the male pleopods are small and rudi- mentary, although all distinctly biramous; and further, differing from all other genera, here it is the ¢hird pair in the male, in which the outer ramus is elongated, much after the style in certain Mysine.

Monogr. Mysid., II, 1872, p. 3. ’Tdem, I, 1870, p. 48. © Proe. Cal, Acad. Sci. (2), LV, 1895, p. 582.


If we want to include Callomysis as well as the Amblyops and Erythrops groups into this subfamily, we are to alter shghtly the above diagnosis of the Leptomysine as given by Norman, and put it the following way:

Subfamily: Leptomysine.

Outer uropods one-jointed, their outer margin setose. Gnathopods (second cormopods) conforming im general character of the endopo- dite to the maxillipeds (first cormopods). First true legs (third cormopods) similar to the following in general character, and not very greatly developed and longer than the latter. Male with all the pleopods well developed, and adapted for swimming; second to fifth pair biramose, and never resembling those of the female. Sometimes one of the branches of the fourth (rarely the third) pair modified jor sexual purposes, in being slightly lengthened and possessing pe- culiar setee on the terminal joints. ~The following key of the genera of Leptomysinee mentioned above may be convenient for their identification. No complete revision of the subfamily is intended.


a. Eyes rudimentary, lamelliform. Male pleopods very uniform, the first with inner branch rudimentary, the second to fifth with two subequal branches. Amblyops Sars and Pseudomma Sars.

a’. Eyes not lamelliform, more or less globular.

b'. Telson short, sometimes hardly longer than wide, always much less than twice as long as wide. Outer margin not spinous (or rarely so, in Huchatomera). Apex not cleft. Male pleopods very uniform, the second to fifth with two subequal branches.

Erythrops Sars,” Parerythrops Sars,? Huchetomera Sars.¢

vb’. Telson longer, generally at least twice as long as wide. Outer margin

always spinous. Apex entire or cleft. Male pleopods less uniform ;

one branch of third or fourth pair generally longer than the other (the

prolongation sometimes only caused by the presence of a terminal spine).

c’. Pleopods of female rudimentary, simple. Outer or inner branch of fourth pleopods of male with tendency to become lengthened.

d’. Outer margin of antennal scale setose, without distal spine. Outer branch of fourth pleopods of male with tendency to become length- ened, its terminal joints only slowly increasing in length, if at all.

e’. Telson elongated, linguiform, apex pointed or rounded, not cleft. Three last joints of outer branch of fourth pleopods of male with-

_ out setxe, but with three strong spines. Antennal scale very long, TATTOO Wei DO RTE Ce a Stee a eee Rng Leptomysis Sars.@

@Sars, Monogr. Mysid., I, 1870, p. 11; Norman, in Ann. Nat. Hist. (6), X, tSOZ aaa Se ; ;

® Sars, Idem, p. 40.

¢ Sars, Rep. Voy. Challenger, XIII, 1885, p. 211.

@Sars, Monogr. Mysid., III, 1879, p. 29; Norman, Ann. Nat. Hist. (6), X, 1892, p. 242,


joint of outer branch of fourth pleopod of male with a single stout terminal spine. Antennal scale lanceolate or ovate.

f’. Outer branch of fourth pleopod of male projecting only with the terminal spine beyond inner branch; distal joints not at all in- creasing in length. ‘Telson triangular, apex truncate or cleft.

Mysidopsis Sars.@

7’. Outer branch of fourth pleopod of male distinctly projecting be- yond the inner, distal joints slowly increasing in length. ‘Tel- son triangular, apex with a short cleft_____-__Mysideis Sars.?

dd. Outer margin of antennal scale not setose, ending in a spine near the distal end. ‘Terminal joints of inner branch of fourth pleopod of male increasing in length, especially the last one greatly elongate, and bearing a spine at its end. Telson elongated-triangular, apex CIGUIT CAST Ot Cle Tete ee a en ee SN Holmesiella, new genus.

ce. Pleopods of female: biramous, although rudimentary. Outer branch of

third pleopod of male much elongated. Outer margin of antennal scale

not setose, with terminal spine. Telson subrectangular, 2-8 times as

long as wide, outer margin spinous, spines remote proximally, but more close set distally; apex slightly emarginated, emargination spinous.

Callomysis Holmes.¢

Genus HOLMESIELLA Ortmann, new genus.¢@

Diagnosis—A genus of Mysidae, belonging to the subfamily Lep- tomysinae. Body of the usual form. Eyes large. Third joint of peduncle of antennulee in the male with a strong conical process on the lower side of the distal extremity. Legs slightly setose, with the propodite triarticulate, dactylopodite short, with a long, curved, termi- nal spine. Marsupial pouch of female consisting of three pairs of leaflets, the anterior small. Pleopods of female all rudimentary, short and simple. Pleopods of the male all biramous, but in the first pair the inner branch is short and simple; in the second, third, and fifth pair both branches are well developed, of about the same length, and mul- tiarticulate; in the fourth pair it is the inner branch that is much elongated, about twice as long as the outer. The terminal joints in- crease in length, and especially the last one is much elongated, almost three times as long as the penultimate, and carries at the distal ex- tremity a long and strong spine. The three last joints do not possess any sete. Telson elongated, triangular, apex truncated, margins spinulose. Uropods narrow; otolithe well developed.

“Sars, Monogr. Mysid., II, 1872, p. 12; Norman, Ann. Nat. Hist. (6), X, 1892, joy aes,

Sars, Idem, III, 1879, p. 1.

¢ Holmes, Proc. California Acad. Sci. (2), IV, 1895, p. 582.

4 Named in honor of Prof. S. J. Holmes, in recognition of his work on Pacific Crustaceans.


The chief character of this genus is furnished by the development of the fourth pair of pleopods of the male (Plate I, fig. 11). Here