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The Property of COLONEL M. I, COHEN, of Baltimore,
05(5 Broadway, New York,
MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY ani> FRIDAY, The 25th, 26th, 27th, 28tli and 29th OCTOBER, 1S75.
Commencing at 3 o’clock, P. M.
(Jafalof/ued to/ ETJWAltl) COG AN.
Orders executed by the Auctioneers; John W. Haskltine, 1225 Chestnut Street, and J. W. Ki.inr, 12 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia ; H. Cl. Sampson, corner of Pulton Street and Broadway, New York; or by Enw.\itn Cog an, 40S State' Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
A'cic YAth :
Cuaiu.es 0. Sma.i,i«Y, Steam Book ani> Jois Printer, iiS Barclay Street.
Ancient Coins, (i to 9
E R R A T A .
Lot 160. For “Deliver” read “ Dalilonega” Mint. “ 207. Fpr “Denver” read “ Dahlonega ” Mint. “ 209. This is also Dahlonega Mint.
“ 206. This is Charlotte, N. C. Mint.
“ 234. 1849. This is a Gold Dollar.
“ 1449. For “Nickel” read “Silver.”
L-c^f cc &C,
/T J S'
Foreign Coins, Silver and Gold,
“ Silver and Gold,
Gold, American, -
California, Georgia, Ac , Miscellaneous Coins, - Medals, American, - Foreign, - “ English, - Pattern Pieces, .... Pattern Pieces, - Silver Coins, American, Washington Pieces,
74 |
to |
82 |
88 |
to |
94 |
10 |
to |
14 |
87 |
to |
88 |
24 |
30 |
to |
40 |
40 |
41 |
19 |
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J- 12 |
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J 13 |
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J 15 |
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// 16 |
// |
// 17 |
/* 18 |
All Fine.
1608 Henri IIII. Double Tournois. Very good 1779 Louis XVI. Rev. “ Franciae,” &c. Fine Louis XVIII. Brass Medal, bead to left. Rev. Inscription 1822 10, 5, 2, 1 Centimes, &c. Napoleon III. Very line 10 pieces 10, 5, 2, 1 Centimes, &c. Napoleon III. Set perfectly uncircu- lated
2 10 Cent and 1 3 Cent, &c. Westphalia pieces. All different
4 pieces
5 Kopeck 1831 and 1832. Remarkably fine 2 pieces
Russian Coins. All different. Very good 6 pieces
“Royaume de Belgique, 1833.” “Gand” in the centre. Rev. “ Monnaie Fictive,” 25 and 5 Centimes. 1 Centime “Vilvorde.” Very fine 3 pieces
Same. Ob. “ Vilvorde ” in the centre. Rev. ns above. 5 and 1 Centimes have “ Alost” in centre. Very fine. 3 pieces
Royaume De Belgique. 5 and 1 Centimes, St. Bernard in centre
2 pieces
10,5, 2, 1 Centimes. “Beiges” ordinary pieces. Set, uncircu- lated 4 pieces
Pfenninge. 30 pieces, an interesting lot of 4, 3, 2, 1 pfenninge pieces. Very fine. Some uncirculated
3 Pfenninge. 183, letter 8 underneath the last figure of the date
seems to have been omitted. Nearly proof
Kreutzers. 30, 15, 3. With heads. Barely fair 13 pieces
Krcutzers. 1 Fine lot. Some uncirculated. 18 pieces
Wurtemberg pieces. 1, ^ Centimes. Fine. 3 pieces
Hellers 4, 2, 1. All different. Very fine 6 pieces
Jl.S~ 19 tf~ J 20 /O 21
<■/ / <3 22
// j— 23
" 24
SS' 25 ^2L<2? 26 // 27 /<? 28 / o 29 6 S' 30 /J' 31 £ <£ 32 SO 33
1828 Brazilian 80 Reis. Unusually line
1858 Africa, Portugueza % Macuta. Uncirculated
Brazilian and Portuguese. Various. All good 6 pieces
Venetian pieces. 5, 3, 1 Centimes. All good 6 pieces
Ferdinand I and II. 8 and 2 Tornesi. Poor and Good
2 pieces
Netherland and Danish pieces. Good 5 pieces
10, 5, 2, 1, Lepta pieces. 1833. Uncirculated and scarce 3 Polish pieces. 2 very fine. 1 fair 1849 2 Baiocchi. Uncirculated Bremen. 2*4 Scliwaren. Very good
1833 American Colonization Society, Liberia. One Cent. Fair 1847 Liberia Two Cent piece. Very scarce. Fair 1847 Liberia One Cent. Poor
Chili Un Centavos, ^ Centavos, &c. Fair 7 pieces
Two Centavos in Nickel and One Centavo in Copper. Very good
J- . / 2- 34 A Daric Figure hurling a Javelin. Good and scarce
J~°o 35 36
S.yS' 37 / S-J- 38
6 J 40 J~0 41
Aegiua Ob. Tortoise. Rev. Indented Square. Very good
Alexander. Ob. Head with Lion’s Skin. Rev. Jupiter Seated. Very good
Alexander. Ob. Hc-ad with Lion’s Skin. Rev. different. Fair Alexander. Another Variety. Ob. Fair. Rev. rubbed
Alexander. Another Variety. Rev. AY under the seat of Jupiter. Barely fair
Alexander. A Drachm. Very good Alexander. A Drachm. Barely fair
Alexander. A Broad Tetradrachm. Different from any of the above. Fine
Alexander, Small Copper. Rev. Club and Quiver. Very Good
JL.'C'0 44 fo 45 c.
/ .S' 0 46 J 2.S 47
J~<r 48 ys~ 49
&0 50 yj' 51
Athens. Head of Minerva. Rubbed. Rev. an Owl. Fine Athens. Head of Minerva. Different. Unevenly struck. Otherwise good
Athens. Head of Minerva. Different. Very good Lysimachus. Ob. Portrait. Rev. Minerva holding a Victory. Fine
Lysimachus. Another. Very base
Lysimachus. A small copper. Minerva holding a Victory. Fine and scarce
Lokron of the Locrians. Corinth type. Fair and scarce Philip. Ob. Head of Jupiter. Rev. Horseman. Fair but pierced
J o 51* Philip. Similar design. A Didrachm. Pierced /./S' 52 Philip II. Ob. Bearded head of Jupiter. Rev. Philippoi Horseman. Very fine
53 Ptolemy Philadelphos; and one other different. Barely fair
" 54 Rhodes. Head of the Sun. Rev. a Rose. Drachm. Good,
but pierced
7 <7 55 Rhodes. Head of the Sun. Rev. Rose in sunken square. Half drachm. Very good
oo 56 Side (Pampliilia). Helmed head of Minerva. Rev. Victory marching. A Pomegranate X P Y. Very good and scarce
/*o 57 VJ' 58
Syracuse. Head of Aretliusa surrounded by Dolphins. Rev. a Biga ; a Victory above. Very fair specimen
Tarentum. Taras on a Dolphin. Rev. Horseman with spear. A Didrachm. Fine
ij <yo 59 Thurium. Head of Minerva. Rev. Bull bounding. Didrachm. Fine
rr HO Velia. Head of Minerva. Rev. Lion and Stag. Didraclnn. Very fine
The following ten coins are in Potin— All fair.
d~G 61 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Poppea his wife. Scarce
/O 62 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Poppea, his wife. A variety. Scarce
S-O 63 Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Poppea, his wife. A variety. Scarce
J o G5 '/ 66 /xo 67 /, /2- 68 X cT 69
/./Z 70
Jo 71 J-& 72 /S~ 73 /O 74
Xf 77 J~ 78
/W.<rv 79 ? .°~o 80 ^XS' 81
<£? o~o 82 J d'o 83 Jo 84
Head of Hero. Rev. Head of Poppea, bis wife. A variety. Slight. Scarce
Head of Neio. Rev. Africa Scarce
Head of Nero. Rev. Africa. A variety. Scarce
Head of Nero. Rev. Head of Tiberius. Scarce
Head of Nero. Rev. Eagle. Struck in Alexandria. Scarce
Head of Nero. Rev. Eagle. Struck in Alexandria. Variety. Scarce
Head of Nero. Head to left Africa. Scarce
Ptolemy. Large Brass. Rev. Double Eagle. Barely fair
Ptolemy. Large Brass. Rev. Eagle. Poor
Ptolemy. Second Brass. Rev. Eagle ; expanded wing. Fair
Ptolemy. Second Brass. Rev. Eagles. Different. Fair and poor
Ptolemy. Second Brass. Rev. a variety. Barely fair Ptolemy. Third Brass. Rev. Double Eagle. Poor and scarce Rhodes. Head crowned. Rev. a Rose, &c. Very fair. Scarce
Rhodes. Very small. Rev. a Rose, &c. Very good. Scarce
Alexander. Helm,ed Head of Minerva. Rev. Victory holding a Trident, &c. , a Stater. Pierced. Otherwise fair. Rare
Philip II. Another Stater. Head of Apollo. Rev. a Charioteer in a biga, underneath Philippoi. Fair and scarce
Myrina (Q’s) A King Sacrificing. Rev. Victory in a Qaudriga, a Stater. Only fair, but rare
iEs, weighing 9£ oz avoir. Head of Janus. Rev. Prow of a vessel. Dark green patination. Very fine and rare
A fourth of the oEs, or 3 ounces, having three globules on it to denote its weight. Very good and rare
A Second Brass. Ob. Head of Trajan. Rev. a figure re- clining pouring water, possibly representing the Nile. Fair "
Jo 85 J*tr 8G
/JO 87
t ro 89
JJ" 90 / ^ 91 <^92 /2_ 93
9 95
/y.J-0 96 / tfrro 97 6'J~o 98
p(oo 99
J~oo 100
jy~0 101
Is) oo 102
A First Brass Coin or Medal of Antoninus Pius. Head to right. Rev. Venus, nude. Barely fair, but scarce
Second and Tkii d Brass Coins. Obverses of both Antoninus and possibly Faustina. Reverses different. Greek Legends. Poor and fair. Scarce
Julian, the Apostate. Head to right. Rev. The Bull Apis standing; “Securitas Reipub.” Second Brass. Fine and scarce
Marcus Agrippa and Augustus. Rcfv. a Crocodile, &c. Good impression. Second Brass
Marc Anthony. Ob. Head to right. Rev. Head of Octavius Caesar Imp. III. Vir. R. P. C. Pierced. Otherwise good and rare
Marcus Aurelius. Rev. Minerva standing. Very good
Head of Rome. Consular Coin. Rev. Quadriga. Fair
Faustina. Rev. Hilaritas. Good; and another Coin rather poor
A First Brass Coin \\ ith Head on both sides, and eight very small Coins, all different and interesting
Eleven Third Brass Coins. All different and good
Thirteen Third Brass Coins. Fair and poor
Augustus Caesar. Head to right. Rev. Bull butting IMP.X. A fine Aureus. Very little circulated. Very rare
Antoninus Pius. Head to right. Rev. Cos. IIII. Abundance, standing. Another Aureus. Very fine and rare
Valentinianus. Head to right. Rev. “ Victoria Augg.” Two figures seated. Fair and rare
Honorius. Head to right. “ Victoria Auggg.” A figure holding a Victory and apparently trampling on a figure. Very fine and rare
Leo. Head fronting, but features erased. Rev. Victory
standing. Only fair, but scarce
Justinianus. Head fronting, Victoria Auggg, &c. Fine and scarce
Byzantine Coin. Ob. Heracleus and Son. Rev. Double
Cross, &c. Very fine and scarce
/' ^ 103 / / <rb 104
/ /.SO 105 / 6. (ro 106 " 107
'3.™ 108
/ 3 So no /A .coo 111 ; 3 .(Tv H2
/O.oo H3
- 114 /XSo 115 SO.SD 116
fit™ 117 ?Crv 118 fso 119 120 121 3>s 9 122 " 123
&.oo 124 " 125
- 126 6 zs 127
* 128 «, 129
yso 130 6.<n> 131
1795 Perfectly uncirculated. Rare iu this coudition
1796 Small Eagle. Slightly rubbed in the field, otherwise
very fine. Scarce
1797 Large Eagle. Much rubbed iu the field. Scarce
1797 Small Eagle. Fine and very rare
1798 Large Eagle, Struck over 1797. Extremely fine and
equally rare
1799 Uncirculated. Scarce in this condition
1800 Uncirculated. Scarce
1801 Uncirculated. Scarce
1803 Uncirculated. Scarce
1804 Obverse scratched. Only fair
1795 Small Eagle. Remarkably fine and scarce
1795 Large Eagle. Same condition. Extremely rare
1796 Small Eagle. Fine and very scarce
1797 Struck over 1795. Large Eagle. Fine condition. Very
1797 Small Eagle ; 16 stars. Somewhat worn. Very scarce
1797 Small Eagle ; 15 stars. Rather better. Equally scarce
1798 Large date. Very fine
1798 Small date. Very good
1799 Very good
1800 Very fine
1802 Struck over 1801. Very fine and scarce
1803 Struck over 1802. Finer and scarce
1804 Very fine
1805 Very fine
1806 Large stars. Very good
1806 Small stars. Fine
1807 Head of 1806. Very fine
1807 Head of 1808. Very good
1808 Very good
6 A ^132 /l 33 J 134 6- A? A 185
136 Vj.37 (fcT • 138
i39 o-o 140 <P. ^ 141 £.0'(ro 142 y_^v 143 £ (tv 144 /d?^J'145 /.trs/ 146 //J~0 147 / 3 So 148 / O' so 149 &,/o 150 fzs 151 6./o 152 && 153 yoo 154
155 4- 156
" 157
/. 158
" 159
foo 160 6 oo 161 // 162 ^ 163
o 164 165
1810 1811 1812
1820 1821
Not quite so good
Fine All but uncirculated.
Fine. But more circulated About the same Somewhat rubbed
Very fine impression. Exceedingly rare, only 5 known al- together
Uncirculated. Proof surface Uncirculated. Proof surface Nearly uncirculated. Very scarce Struck over 1824. Uncirculated. Proof surface Uncirculated. Proof surface Proof surface Proof surface
Uncirculated. Uncirculated. Fine proof Uncirculated. Uncirculated. Uncirculated. Uncirculated. Large head.
Proof surface Proof surface Proof surface Proof surface Old Standard.
face. Rare
Small head. New standard.
Better impression Very good
Denver Mint. Very fine Very good Fine impression
Uncirculated. Proof sur- Uncirculated
Fair impression Fine impression Fine impression
cr/riGG J'/o 167 * 168 169
j:6o no ~ 171
~ 172
s/j- 173 S.to 174 „ 175
- 176 » 177
/, 178
J7^S 179 // 180
£/2 181 / 182 /&oo 183 J.crz> 184 J7<5- <s> 185 3+f 186 Joo 187 188 Joo 189 jj.j' 190 3>To 191 JJUT 192 3 a a 193 y <ro 194 ^ <rv 105 J o~o 196 ,, 197
// 198 44^^199
1845 Very fine impression
1846 Fine impression
1847 Fine impression
1848 Fine impression
1849 Fine impression
1850 Fine impression
1851 Very good impression
1852 Fine impression
1853 Fine impression
1854 Fine impression
1855 Fine impression
1856 Fine impression
1857 Fine impression
1858 Fine impression
1859 Fine proof impression
1796 Without stars. Very fine and very scarce
1796 With stars. Proof. Very rare
1797 Uncirculated. Extremely rare. Cracked die
1798 Slightly damaged. Poor and rare 1802 Uncirculated
1804 Good
1805 Very good
1806 Uncirculated and scarce
1807 Very fine
1808 Very fine
1821 Very good. Scarce
1824 Almost proof
1825 About as good
1826 Fine
1827 Very fine
1829 Fine proof
1830 Uncirculated
1831 Uncirculated
1832 Fine proof
S.e* 200 ^ ^ 201 202
J J~o 203 3 to~b 204 JLfJ' 205 jyo 206 -v 207
.J. 8~o 208 3' 0~V 209 JZ.fJ' 210
JL.So 211 /212 / 213
JJ-o 228
3/o 230 231 «- 232 ^<4^ 233 / JoT 234
1833 Uncirculated
1834 Large head. Old standard. Almost proof. Rar
1834 Small head. New standard. Uncirculated
1835 Good impression
1836 Good impression
1837 Good impression lSSS^Good impression
1839 Detaw' Mint. Fine and scarce
1840 Good impression 1841^ But little circulated
1842 But little circulated
1843 Fine impression
1844 Very fine
1845 Very tine
1846 Very tine
1847 Very tine
1848 Very tine
1849 Very tine
1850 Uncirculated
1851 Uncirculated
1852 Uncirculated
1853 Uncirculated
1854 Uncirculated
1855 Uncirculated
1856 Uncirculated
1857 Uncirculated
1858 Uncirculated
1859 Fine proof
1854 Uncirculated
1855 Uncirculated
1856 Uncirculated
1857 Uncirculated
1858 Uncirculated
1859 Fine proof
1849 Uncirculated, Very scarce
266 /*b 267
270 /So 271 272
/ <ns 273
/Jf 275 276 uo 277
c r/S 278
> °i> *-> ' —
284 /l 285
/ / 287
/r 290 J O 291
J.fo 292
1596 34 Testoon, Henry IIII. Very fine and scarce 1643 34 Crown, Louis XHI. Head rubbed ; otherwise good. Scarce
1643 % Crown, Louis XIII Fine and scarce
1641 Gold Double Louis d’Or, Louis XIII. Somewhat circu- lated. Punched on both sides. Scarce
1644 Crown, Louis XIV. Very fine. But little circulated 1653 Crown, Louis XIV. Head much rubbed. Barely fair 1691 Crown, Louis XIV. Head rubbed; otherwise very lair 1696 Crown, Louis XIV. Badly pierced and very poor 1711. Crown, Louis XIV. Barely fair
1691 34 Crown, Louis XIV. Very fair and scarce 1647 34 Crown, Louis XIV. Uncirculated. Very scarce
1675 34 Crown, Louis XIV. Variety. Head much rubbed ; otherwise fair
1643 Gold Louis d’Or, Louis XIV. Head rubbed; otherwise faii-
1691 Gold Louis d’Or, Louis XIV. Very fine
1718 Crown, Louis XV. Young head to right. A little rubbed. Rev. very fine
1727 Crown, Louis XV. Head to left. Very poor
1728 Crown, Louis XV. Fair and scarce
1745 Crown, Louis XV. Very beautiful impression. Scarce 1772 Crown, Louis XV. Fine impression. Scarce 1747 34 Crown, Louis XV. A good deal rubbed
1720 34 Crown, Louis XV. Head to right. Much rubbed. Scarce
1720 34 Crown, Louis XV. Plead to right. Beautiful uncircu- lated impression
1723 34 Crown, Louis XV. Very good
1772 34 Crown, Louis XV. Head to left. Perfectly uncircu- lated. Very rare
1727 1-16 Crown, Louis XV. Head to left. Very poor
1774 Gold Louis d’Or, Louis XV. Fine and scarce
1726 Gold 34 Louis d’Or, Louis XV. Not quite so fine. Scarce
1775 Crown, Louis XVI. Head a good deal rubbed and pierced
x jr |
294 |
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295 |
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296 |
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297 |
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298 |
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299 |
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300 |
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301 |
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302 |
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303 |
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304 |
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305 |
306 |
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307 |
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308 |
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310 |
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311 |
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312 |
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313 |
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314 |
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315 |
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316 |
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317 |
1785 Crown, Louis XYI Rev. a Bull underneath the wreath. Beautitul impression. Scarce
1793 Crown, Louis XVI. Rev. “ Regne de la loi.” Planchet scratched; otherwise very line
1793 Crown, Louis XVI. More worn and scratched
1791 34 Crown, Louis XVI. Fair condition
1792 34 Crown, Louis XVI. Rev. ‘‘Regne de la loi.” Very
fine. Uncirculated
1792 34 Crown, Louis XVI. More worn
1791 34 Crown, Louis XVI. Not quite uncirculated
1792 34 Crown, Louis XVI. More circulated
1785 34 Crown, Louis XVI. Rev. “ Sit Nomen,” &c. Perfectly
uncirculated. Very scarce
1780 34 Crown, Louis XVI. Good condition
1791 15 Sols, Louis XVI. Fair condition
1779 1-16 Crown, Louis XVI. Beautiful uncirculated piece 1789 1-16 Crown, Louis XVI. Much circulated 1782 Gold Double Louis d’Or, Louis XVI. Very fine and scarce
1792 Gold Louis d’Or, Louis XVI. Rev. “ Regne de la loi.”
Very fine and scarce
1786 Gold Louis d’Or, Louis XVI. Rev. Crown over two
Shields. Very fine and scarce
1793 Republic of France. 6 Livres. Rev. “ Regne de la loi.”
Very fine and scarce
Republic of France. 5 Francs, 11 year. Rev. “ Union et Force.” Very good and scarce
Republic of France. 5 Francs, 5, 7 and 9 years. Poor but scarce
Republic of France. 5 Francs, 9 year. ” Gaule Subalpine. ” Fair and scarce
Republic of France. 5 Francs, 10 year. “ Gaule Subalpine.” Rather better
1810 Obv. “ lies De France et Bonaparte ” an Eagle Crowned. Rev. Inscription erased, Eagle somewhat rubbed. Be- lieved very scarce
Bonaparte First Consul, an XI. Fair condition. Scarce Bonaparte First Consul, an 12. Fair condition. Scarce
//A 319
322 u 323
345 /f 346
Napoleon Emperor. Republic of France, an 13. Rather bet- ter. Scarce
1811 Napoleon Emperor. Empire, 5 Francs. Better and
1813 Napoleon Emperor. 5 Francs. Fine. Scarce 1813 Napoleou Emperor. 5 Francs. Not quite so good. Scarce
1812 Napoleon Emperor. 2 Francs. Very good 1809 Napoleon Emperor. 2 Francs More rubbed 1809 Napoleon Emperor. 1 Franc. Very good
Napoleon Emperor. Republic of France, an 14. 1 Franc. Re- markably fine
1808 Napoleon Emperor Republic of France. Demi Franc. Very fine
Napoleon Emperor. Republic of France, an 13. Demi Franc. Very fine
1813 Napoleon Emperor. Empire, Demi Franc. Fair Bonaparte Pr Consul, an 12. 34 Franc. Uncirculated
Gold 20 Francs, an 12. Bonaparte Premier Consul. Very fine and scarce
Gold 20 Francs, an 12. Bonaparte Premier Consul. Very fine and scarce
Uncirculated Much worn
1813 Gold 20 Francs. Napoleon Emperor.
1811 Gold 20 Francs. Napoleon Emperor.
1817 5 Francs, Louis XVIII. Uncirculated
1822 5 Francs, Louis XVIII.
1823 5 Francs, Louis XVIII.
1817 2 Francs, Louis XVIII.
1817 1 Franc, Louis XVIII.
1817 34 Franc, Louis XVIII. Fine 2 pieces
1822-’24 34 Franc, Louis XVIII. Fine 2 pieces
1815 Gold 20 Francs, Louis XVIII. Fair and scarce
1825 Charles X. 5 Francs. Uncirculated. Scarce 2 Francs. Not quite so fine 1 Franc. About the same 34 Franc. About the same 34 Franc. All fine 4 pieces
1825 Charles X.
1829 Charles X. 1827 Charles X.
1830 Charles X.
18 |
/fo |
347 |
<J J |
348 |
Q a 0 ' * |
349 |
350 |
351 |
t / /"*' |
352 |
& 6 & |
353 |
/ |
354 |
)/f |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
? S / o |
359 |
/ 6 |
360 |
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361 |
362 |
363 |
/To |
364 |
/Je |
365 |
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366 |
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367 |
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369 |
370 |
J-l' a 6 |
371 |
1/ |
372 |
1830 Louis Phillippe I. 5 Francs. Uncirculated
Louis Phillippe I. A set of uncirculated pieces. Scarce
6 pieces
1835 Gold 40 Francs, Louis Phillippe I. Beautiful uncircu- lated piece
1835 Gold 20 Francs, Louis Phillippe I. Uncirculated
1848 Republique Francaise 5 Francs. Rev. “ Liberte, Egalite,
Fraternite.” Uncirculated and scarce
1849 Republique Francaise. 5 Francs. Rev. “ Liberte, Egalite,
Fraternite.” Uncirculated and scarce 1848 Gold 20 Francs. “ Liberte, Egalite,” &c. Uncirculated and rare
1850 5 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated
1850 5 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated
1851 5 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated
1850 2 Francs. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated
1850 1 Franc. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated
1850 50 Cent. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated. 2 pieces
1850 20 Cent. Head of Liberty to left. Uncirculated. 3 pieces
1851 Gold 20 Francs. Head of Liberty to right Fine
1851 Gold 10 Francs. Head of Liberty to right. Very fine
1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 5 Francs. Uncirculated.
Very scarce, being first issue 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Not quite so fine 1856 Napoleon III Emperor. 5 Francs. Very good 1861 Napoleon III Emperor. 5 Francs, 2 Fr. 1 Fr. 50c and 20c. Uncirculated. Rare as a set 1861 Napoleon III Emperor. 2 Fr. 1 Fr. Uncirculated. 2 pieces 1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 1 Franc. Fine proof. Ex- ceedingly rare
1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 1 Franc. Uncirculated. Ex- ceedingly rare
1852 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 10 Cent. Uncirculated. Ex- ceedingly rare
1859 Gold 100 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce
1859 Gold 20 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce
X X* c.374 X 2 0 375
/ /o 376 *
1862 Gold 20 Francs. Napoleon III. Variety. Uncirculated. Very scarce
1858 Gold 10 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce
1862 Gold 10 Francs. Napoleon III. Proof. Very scarce
1857 ’58 Gold 5 Francs. Napoleon III. Uncirculated. Very scarce 2 pieces
1862 Gold 5 Francs. Napoleon III. Proof. Very scarce
16 6 0 378 Z o o a 379 (JT o & 380
382 i'o 383 tl 015 384
'op# 385
ro 386 f oFo 387 /C 388 / o o 390 L 391
4 0 392 X o c 393
x l.f 394
All fine unless otherwise described.
1792 Disme. “Liberty, Parent of Science,” &c. Cracked die.
Copper. Very fine. Extremely rare 1792 Disme. “Liberty, Parent of Science,” &c. Date erased.
Silver. Very fine and extremely rare 1792 Obverse same as above. Rev. “One Cent” in wreath. “ United States of America.” Silver Centre Piece. Very fine. Extremely rare. Slightly corroded on the reverse 1792 Half Disme. Silver. Good and scarce 1792 Trial Piece for Cent. Eagle on Rock. Uncirculated 1792 Trial Piece for Cent. Rev. blank
1794 Half Dime. Copper. Trial piece. Exceedingly rare.
1795 Half Dime. Copper. Trial piece. Exceedingly rare.
1799 Eagle. Copper. Battered. Poor 1804 Dollar. Electrotype. Idler's. Extremely fine 1824, 1830 Half Dollars. Copper. Very poor 1831 Quarter Eagle, Struck in Silver. Very fair
1836 Flying Eagle Dollar. Gobrecht in the Field. Beautiful proof. Exceedingly rare. Only 18 struck 1836 Flying Eagle Dollar. Beautiful proof. Scarce
1836 Gold Dollar. Liberty Cap. Gold , alloyed with copper. Little battered, but fine
1836 Gold Dollar. Liberty Cap. Gold alloyed with Silver. Fine proof
J-Xf |
395 |
/ / X- |
396 |
/ O' o |
397 |
/ / X |
398 |
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1830 Gold Dollar. Liberty Cap. Gold alloyed with Silver. Proof
1830 Gold Dollar. Liberty Cap. Copper. Proof 1836 Two Cent Piece. Nickel, plain edge. Thin planchet. Rare
1830 Two Cent Piece. Nickel, plain edge. Thick planchet 1830 Two Cent Piece. Nickel, milled edge. Another metal 1836 Two Cent Piece. Copper. Thick planchet. Proof 1830 Two Cent Piece. Copper. Thin planchet. Proof 1836 First Steam Coinage, February 22. Copper. Fair 1836 First Steam Coinage, February 22. Brass. Fine 1836 First Steam Coinage, February 22. Gilt. Fair 1836 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Copper. Thin planchet. Fine
1836 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Copper. Thick planchet. Proof
1836 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Bronzed
1836 First Steam Coinage, March 23. Copper. Cracked die.
1837 Feuchtwanger One Cent Piece
1837 Feuchtwanger Three Cent Piece. Arms of New York 1837 Feuchtwanger Three Cent Piece. Eagle on rock. Re- markably fine. Very scarce Feuchtwanger. No date. One Cent on both sides
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following eight Half Dollars of. 1838 are extremely rare.
1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Flying Eagle. Perfect die. Proof. Smeared
C & 6 415 ? O 416
1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Flying Eagle. Cracked die. Beautiful proof
1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Flying Eagle. Cracked die. Beautiful proof
1838 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty. Spread Eagle to right. Four arrows and olive branch in its talons. Beautiful proof
1838 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Rev. Flying Eagle, with- out wreath and arrows. Beautiful proof. Brought, in the McCoy Sale, $59
2 ' ° 6 421 y C o 6 422
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J 433
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1838 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Rev. Spread Eagle to right, holding in the right talon an olive branch, and in the left, four arrows. Beautiful proof. Snowden, in his manual, calls this piece unique
1838 Half Dollar. Liberty seated. Rev. Spread Eagle, shield on breast, head to left, holding in its talons an olive branch and three arrows. Underneath the Eagle, 50 Cents. Equally rare with preceding. Beautiful proof
1838 Half Dollar. Liberly seated. Rev. Flying Eagle, holding
in its talons six arrows and an olive branch. Underneath, Half Dollar. This variety has never before been offered at auction. Only two or tnree are known to exist, rarer than either of the preceding. Beautiful proof
1839 Flying Eagle Dollar. Beautiful proof. Very rare
1839 Half Dollar. Head surrounded by thirteen stars. Rev. Eagle, with shield. Dies by Gobrecht. Beautiful proof. Extremely rare
1843 Five Dollar Gold Piece in Copper. Fair
1844 Quarter. Copper. Very poor; but scarce
1849 Engraved Dollar. Hole in the centre. Gold. Fine
1849 Three Cent Piece. Ob. same as Half Dime. Rev. Ill without inscription. Silver. Extremely rare. Proof
1849 Three Cent Piece. Ob. same. Rev. figure 3; without in- * scription. Silver. Extremely rare. Proof
Ob. III. Rev. 3; no inscription. Very fine. Nickel
1850 Three Cent Piece. Silver. Proof. Rare
1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver
1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Different
1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Different
1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Com- position
1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. Rev. One-tenth Silver. Nickel
1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. Rev. One tenth Silver. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Rare
1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. Ob. same. Rev. blank. Copper, alloyed with Silver. Different. Rare
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1850 King Cent. Not pierced Ob. same. Rev. blank. Copper 1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. Rev. One Cent in wreath. Nickel
1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. One-tenth Silver. Rev. United
States of America. Copper
1850 Ring Cent. Pierced. One-tentli Silver Rev. United
States of America. Nickel
1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. One-tenth Silver. Rev. United States of America. Nickel
1850 Ring Cent. Not pierced. One-tenth Silver. Rev. United
States of America. Copper
1851 Dollar in Copper. Fine proof. Very rare 1851 One Cent Piece. Nickel. Exceedingly rare 1851 One Cent Piece. Copper. Rare
1851 234 Cold Piece in Silver. Rubbed
1852 Ring Dollar. United States of America. Gold. Very rare
1852 Ring Dollar. United States of America. Silver. Scarce 1852 Ring Dollar. United States of America. Nickel. Scarce 1852 Ring Dollar. United States of America. Copper. Scarce
1852 Ring Dollar. United States of America. Without date.
Rev. blank. Gold
1852 Ring Dollar. United Slates of America. Smaller. Gold 1852 Ring Dollar. U. S. A. Rev. Dollar. Gold. Scarce 1852 Ring Dollar. U. S. A. Rev. Dollar. Copper. Scarce 1852 Ring Dollar. U S. A. Rev. Wreath. Silver. Scarce
1852 Ring Dollar. U. S. A. Rev. Wreath. Nickel. Scarce
1853 Cent. Thick planchet. Nickel. Scarce 1853 Cent. Thin planchet. Nickel. Scarce
1853 Cent. No date. One